by Main | Jun 4, 2015 | One Family Under God, Service and Volunteerism
Through service, everyone becomes a catalyst for building connections and collectively generating solutions. The timeless ethic of serving others engages everyone, both foreign and local, in the process of building better and more sustainable families, communities and...
by Main | May 20, 2015 | One Family Under God, Service and Volunteerism
The idea of service has steadily gained ground around the world. While the specific nature, purpose and efficacy of the various non-governmental organizations differ, we might infer that the rise of these civil service organizations represents the importance people...
by Main | Apr 8, 2015 | Korean Dream, Service and Volunteerism
Sometimes it takes someone from outside to show us new perspectives on how to live at home. Bahrain is a small island country situated near the western shores of the Persian Gulf, located over seven thousand miles from the Korean peninsula. There a humble middle-aged...
by Main | Jun 4, 2013 | 2013, Asia, Global Peace Foundation, Vision in Action
One volunteer said, “They remind me of my own parents who passed away.” said one volunteer. GPF-Korea’s Daegu Chapter volunteers connected the the traditional spirit of the extended family as they served hot meals to seniors at a local meal center. The slivering...