by Main | Jul 14, 2015 | Korean Dream
We called it the Unification Tree. A simple paper tree that started the day with branches empty, but began to “sprout” leaves as passersby jotted down their thoughts and hopes for Korean Unification. One leaf had “Our hope for unification” the title of an old song...
by Main | Jun 10, 2015 | Interfaith, One Family Under God, Universal Principles and Values, Youth Leadership
The rational-choice theory that has been so popular up until now suggests that, given the right incentives and punishments, human beings and thus human societies will make rational choices. And yet, clearly, that has not been the case. War is not rational; violence is...
by Main | Jun 4, 2015 | One Family Under God, Service and Volunteerism
Through service, everyone becomes a catalyst for building connections and collectively generating solutions. The timeless ethic of serving others engages everyone, both foreign and local, in the process of building better and more sustainable families, communities and...
by Main | May 27, 2015 | One Family Under God
One of the most important reasons why Global Peace Foundation engages such a wide variety of people from multiple sectors is because we know that long-term, sustained peace and prosperity requires synergistic partnerships working toward a common vision. Rather than...
by Main | May 21, 2015 | Service and Volunteerism
“The dream of America’s Founding Fathers not only gave birth to a great nation, unique in world history to that point. It also left substantial footprints throughout the world. It set out the ideal of universal human rights, freedoms, and responsibilities and made...