by Main | Jun 1, 2012 | 2012, One Family Under God
The pathway that determines where we need to go stems from the dream of God and the purpose that he had ever since the beginning of human creation. Resonating with timeless truths and spiritual values, this dream is none other than one family under God. However, a...
by Main | May 30, 2012 | 2012, One Family Under God
Let us take a moment and think about family. First and foremost, the family is universal. Regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality and religion we are all members of families. Secondly, the family represents the most intimate of human relationships. We use familial...
by Main | May 22, 2012 | 2012, Youth Leadership
I’ve had the privilege to engage with youth around the world. There is something in the youth, regardless of where they are from that inspires me to invest – they dream big. They are looking forward to the life ahead of them. Fears and inhibitions from the past do...
by Main | May 11, 2012 | 2010, Americas, Global Peace Foundation, Speeches
Yesterday, May 10, my wife spoke at the 4th Annual Global Peace Festival Foundation awards ceremony in Paraguay. This year we recognized outstanding women peace leaders. The event and her address reaffirmed that peace needs the involvement of such exemplary women....
by Main | May 6, 2012 | 2012, Americas, Global Peace Women, National Transformation, Speeches
In May 5, 2012, Dr. Jun Sook Moon, Chairwoman of Global Peace Women spoke at the annual “Living for the Sake of Others” Awards in Paraguay. The award recognizes women who have contributed to Paraguayan society through public office, service, education and...