by Editor | Mar 15, 2024 | Global Peace Convention, Moral and Innovative Leadership
“Each [Global Peace Award] winner has demonstrated in their areas of expertise an uncommon passion for excellence and commitment to realizing a world of peace.” Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon The 2023 Global Peace Awards recipients were honored at an awards gala in...
by Editor | Dec 27, 2023 | Global Peace Convention, One Family Under God, Speeches
The culminating events of the 2023 Global Peace Convention were held in Manila, Philippines from December 10-14, 2023. The Main Plenary was on December 13th, during which Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon delivered the keynote address. In 2023, the bi-annual Global Peace...
by Editor | May 25, 2023 | In The Media, Korean Dream
Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon was interviewed by Hyo-jin Lee for The Korea Times on the future of a unified Korean peninsula and the prosperity it will bring to the region and world. You can read the interview below or find the original interview here. NEW DELHI, India ― In...
by Main | Jan 25, 2019 | Extended Family Model, Korean Dream
Originally posted on January 30, 2014. Updated on January 25, 2019. In 2014, The Guardian published an article on the rising number of elderly in Korea who are living in poverty. The writer visited Lee Yeong-sun, an 82-year-old Korean War veteran and his wife, who...
by Main | Dec 12, 2015 | Korean Dream
The Korean Dream Dr. Hyun Jin Moon speaks of in his book dates back to the original founding of the nation and yet, it is also timeless in the sense that it reflects humanity’s greatest dream of peace. The ideal of One Family Under God reverberates throughout the...