Universal Principles and Shared Values
There are immutable principles and laws which govern the natural universe. These principles are the foundation for a just, ethical and peaceful world. It is vital that we seek greater understanding of these principles, as they can form the basis for universally shared values and ultimately global ethic.
Latest Posts on Universal Principles and Shared Values
The Legacy of Genghis Khan
For centuries since his passing, Genghis Khan has taken on mythic proportions as a blood-thirsty barbarian who destroyed and plundered his helpless and hapless victims during a horrific reign of terror. Yet, in what is only recently being discovered, is what...
Countering Radicalization of Youth through One Family Under God
The rational-choice theory that has been so popular up until now suggests that, given the right incentives and punishments, human beings and thus human societies will make rational choices. And yet, clearly, that has not been the case. War is not rational; violence is...
Founding Ideals of a Nation
When lecturing on “What is a Nation”, French scholar, Ernest Renan, suggested that building a nation required acceptance of the past and choosing new realities for a shared future. He explains: A nation is therefore a large-scale solidarity, constituted by the feeling...
Principles and Values are the Foundation of Development
"Well functioning democracies stand on a foundation of principles and values. These are spiritual values that are not derived from any human institution, but endowed by our Creator. These are not just abstract ideals, but have real world implications." ~Dr. Hyun Jin...
Washington’s Precedents
In 1776, America conducted a revolutionary experiment. The Founding Fathers of America set forth an ambitious vision. When monarchies were the choice form of governance, they set out to prove that a government could be run “of the people, for the people and by the...
Jakarta Declaration Calls for "Action-Oriented Inter-religious Partnerships" Based on Shared Values, Principles and Morals
The 68th General Assembly hosted a special session today to scale up efforts for the Millennium Development Goals, eight time-bound, measurable goals to end poverty. According to the President of the General Assembly, H.E. Ambassador John W. Ashe, there are only 850...