Universal Principles and Shared Values

There are immutable principles and laws which govern the natural universe. These principles are the foundation for a just, ethical and peaceful world. It is vital that we seek greater understanding of these principles, as they can form the basis for universally shared values and ultimately global ethic.

Latest Posts on Universal Principles and Shared Values

Shared Values as a Framework for Peacebuilding

Shared Values as a Framework for Peacebuilding

We have taken the approach that there is a common vision that motivates and animates all of humanity. That vision is ‘One Family under God.’ […] A common thread exists in all of the faith traditions that articulates and identifies universal principles and values as...

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American Dream: Building a City upon a Hill

American Dream: Building a City upon a Hill

The understanding that fundamental rights and freedoms are endowed to every human being by the Creator has endured. Just as Lincoln hearkened to the powerful assertions in the Declaration of Independence, so too did Martin Luther King Jr. a century later during the...

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Remembering the First Thanksgiving

Remembering the First Thanksgiving

…beyond these many differences, we are one family who shares the same origin in the Creator God. The vision of One Family under God can unite us since it shows the pathway to true global unity in diversity. - Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon (Global Peace Convention, August...

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The American Legacy of Service to the World

The American Legacy of Service to the World

The following are a compilation of excerpts from speeches from 2008 and 2012: I believe that America’s true strength lies in its moral authority as a nation rooted in spiritual principles and values, which has championed human rights and freedoms at home and abroad....

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