Speeches by Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Speaks at Interfaith Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference Interfaith Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia under the theme, “A New Interfaith Paradigm for the 21st Century,” on October 16, 2010. Your Excellency the Honorable Vice President Boediono, the...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Gives Keynote Address at the GPLC Kathmandu, Nepal in 2010
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal on April 4th, 2010. Your excellencies, distinguished participants and guests, it is both an honor and pleasure to meet you at this Global Peace Leadership Conference, a...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon addresses the theme, “Peacebuilding for the 21st Century: Interfaith, Service, and Family”
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Conference in the Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines under the theme, “Peacebuilding for the 21st Century: Interfaith, Service, and Family,” on December 10-13, 2009. Your excellencies, distinguished participants,...