The Global Peace Foundation was founded by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon to promote a compelling vision of peace based on universal principles and values shared by all the world’s great religious and cultural traditions. The Global Peace Foundation and its ever expanding network...
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2014 Year in Review
In many respects, 2014 was a challenging and troubling year. There seemed to be no end to the violence, religious extremism, ideological division, identity-based conflict, natural and health disasters, poverty and threats to basic human rights. Every corner of the...
Global Peace Convention 2014, Opening Plenary Address
The following is the full transcript of the speech delivered by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, chairman of the Global Peace Foundation at its annual convention, held at the Bourbon Conmebol Assunção Convention Hotel. “A Roadmap for National Transformation: Liberty, Prosperity and...
Kaduna Peace Summit Calls for Interfaith Cooperation to Secure Peace for Development
“Nigeria, with the even balance of Christian and Muslim in your population, is uniquely positioned to create a model of interfaith cooperation that will have global impact in mitigating the effects of religious radicalism. To that end, faith leaders must step beyond...
Korean Dream: A Vision of A Unified Korea Bibliography
"I cannot speak for you but I do not want to live in or accept the reality of a divided Korea. I want to dream of a united Korea, vibrant with hope and pregnant with possibilities. I want this new Korea to set the paradigm of a new enlightened state that reflects the...
Global Peace Foundation and Partners Host Second Interreligous Youth Leadership Retreat in Northern Kaduna
Last week, the second of the Interreligious Youth Leadership Retreats series organized by the Global Peace Foundation – Nigeria was held in Northern Kaduna. The initiative is drawing significant partners together in this effort to ease religious tensions in the...
Global Peace Foundation Brings Timely Approach to Tackling Identity-Based Conflict
“The universal principles and shared values of the world’s faith traditions provide the essential basis for rising above conflict and building social cohesion in diverse and multi-religious societies. They offer the antidote to the threat of global religious wars....
Korean Business Daily interviews Dr. Hyun Jin Moon at Korea-Paraguay Symposium
The following is an unofficial English translation of an article that appeared in the Korean Business Daily featuring an interview with Global Peace Foundation Chairman, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon about Paraguay’s central role in Latin American development. The original...
The Principles of ‘One Family under God’
Moral leadership is more precious for the future of a nation than gold, diamonds or oil under the soil. It is guided by a common vision that reflects the most fundamental human aspirations, conforms to the universal spiritual principles that govern human life, and is...