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Results for "nigeria"
Building Peace in Dutsen-Wai: A Story of Interfaith

Building Peace in Dutsen-Wai: A Story of Interfaith

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love...

Global Peace Foundation Malaysia and Building One Family Under God

Global Peace Foundation Malaysia and Building One Family Under God

Realizing the vision of one family under God may seem like a lofty goal, but it begins in each of us, with a change of heart.  One young woman experienced this change and saw the vision make a very real impact on her life in her home country of Malaysia....


Speeches Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon delivered a keynote address at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Kampala, Uganda under the theme, “Moral and Innovative Leadership: New Models for Peace and Development”. Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon's keynote address at the...

2017 Year in Review: Global Peace Economic Models

2017 Year in Review: Global Peace Economic Models

“When nations engage in issues of transforming a nation in poverty, they do everything in reverse. They start with the economic, then interfere with political, then catch up to the social side as an afterthought. The GPF model has done the exact opposite – it started...

Faith Communities in Renewing the Social Fabric

Faith Communities in Renewing the Social Fabric

Introduction A recent report for the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Senate, The Social Capital Project, documents and details an unraveling of the American “social fabric.” This loss of “social capital” is, put simply, the loss of a basic trust among neighbors,...

Interfaith Campaign Fostering Lasting Peace as One Family under God

Interfaith Campaign Fostering Lasting Peace as One Family under God

At one point in 2016, some began to claim that the Fulani herdsmen were slaughtering the native settlers; others claimed that the opposite was true. Whatever the case, there was a violent conflict in southern Kaduna. It was the kind of conflict that always ended up...