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Results for "nigeria"


Initiatives Dr. Moon works with a world-wide network of moral and innovative peace-builders inspired by the vision of One Family under God. Together they are advancing models of peace and development based on universal principles and shared values. Global Peace...

2019 Year in Review

2019 Year in Review

"The deciding factor at such times is always moral and innovative leadership, on every level." The new year has already opened with many challenges. Kim Jong Un has declared an end to North Korea’s self-imposed moratorium on nuclear missile development and issued a...

Why We Build Local Peacebuilding Models

Why We Build Local Peacebuilding Models

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. R.Buckminster Fuller  In the field of peace studies, it has long been recognized that – while everyone wants peace,...

2018 Year in Review: Community-Driven Peacebuilding

2018 Year in Review: Community-Driven Peacebuilding

Just as recently as 2017, lives were shattered, crops were lost and children were unable to attend school in Kaninkon, a community in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Yet, throughout 2018 this same community has begun to plan community programs and activities...

Africa to Korea: Interfaith Cooperation for Social Transformation

Africa to Korea: Interfaith Cooperation for Social Transformation

"Religious people must work together within their communities to solve common social problems. The issue of the divided Korean peninsula should be viewed in this light. When you reach out and help those who suffer, they will meet God through you. This is...

Securing Peace in Local Communities: One Step at a Time

Securing Peace in Local Communities: One Step at a Time

The following story from Global Peace Foundation illustrates the power of community engagement in grassroots projects to create peace on a local and national level. The One Family under God Campaign in Nigeria’s Kaduna State brings together religious...

Women-Led Initiatives for Peace and Development

Women-Led Initiatives for Peace and Development

“As African women, we are expected to be the chief molders of mind, character, and behavior at home and in the community. The success or otherwise of society therefore lies in the roles women play. Consequently, the presence or lack of peace will be laid...