Principles & Values

Most major religions acknowledge universal principles which guide the formation of a just, ethical and peaceful world. These principles form the foundation for defining shared values that can bring people, faiths and cultures of all kinds to work together for the betterment of humanity.


All Men Created Equal

All Men Created Equal

It is said that the battleground was still dark with the blood of the 15,000 – soldiers from both sides - on that crisp autumn day in November 1863, when Lincoln delivered a speech to consecrate the dead. In his short speech, he emphasized the phrase that changed the...

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A Declaration of Thanksgiving

A Declaration of Thanksgiving

It was the fall of 1789. Washington was serving in his first year as the President of the newly formed United States of America. The wounds of the Revolutionary war were still fresh and many were reeling from the failures of the Articles of Confederation. Even so, the...

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International Forum on One Korea Advocates for a Peaceful, Principled Korean Unification

International Forum on One Korea Advocates for a Peaceful, Principled Korean Unification

“The Korean Dream vision of unification would not only fulfill the long-held aspiration of our ancestors but would also open up a new chapter of greater prosperity and peace for the peninsula. It would bring together the existing synergistic elements of both Koreas...

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