Principles & Values
Most major religions acknowledge universal principles which guide the formation of a just, ethical and peaceful world. These principles form the foundation for defining shared values that can bring people, faiths and cultures of all kinds to work together for the betterment of humanity.
Empowering Families: The Role of Values Education in Shaping Africa’s Renaissance
The family remains a cornerstone of moral and social development, even amidst urbanization and globalization. GPW and GPF partnered to create The Parents’ Guide to Values Education in the Home Curriculum.
Rooted in the principles of Ubuntu, this guide empowers parents, caregivers, and faith leaders to nurture the next generation with respect, compassion, responsibility, and integrity. By encouraging active family participation, we can strengthen our communities, address modern parenting challenges, and ensure that children grow into ethical leaders.
A Vision for Advancing Human Consciousness and Peace
Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon delivered the keynote speech on a vision for advancing human consciousness and peace at the 2023 Global Peace Leadership Conference.
Shared Values as a Framework for Peacebuilding
We have taken the approach that there is a common vision that motivates and animates all of humanity. That vision is ‘One Family under God.’ […] A common thread exists in all of the faith traditions that articulates and identifies universal principles and values as...
American Dream: Building a City upon a Hill
The understanding that fundamental rights and freedoms are endowed to every human being by the Creator has endured. Just as Lincoln hearkened to the powerful assertions in the Declaration of Independence, so too did Martin Luther King Jr. a century later during the...
Freedom of Religion: Foundation for America’s Civil Society
Freedom of religion is an absolute necessity in ensuring true liberty. The world’s religions have a vital role to play in bringing about this transformation of consciousness.- Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, Global Peace Convention 2021 In our modern world, we have become...
Remembering the First Thanksgiving
…beyond these many differences, we are one family who shares the same origin in the Creator God. The vision of One Family under God can unite us since it shows the pathway to true global unity in diversity. - Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon (Global Peace Convention, August...
The American Legacy of Service to the World
The following are a compilation of excerpts from speeches from 2008 and 2012: I believe that America’s true strength lies in its moral authority as a nation rooted in spiritual principles and values, which has championed human rights and freedoms at home and abroad....
Celebrating the International Day of Conscience
The 73rd UN General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution A/RES/73/329 declaring April 5th the International Day of Conscience. The resolution, sponsored by the Kingdom of Bahrain, called on members states of the United Nations to build a “Culture of Peace with Love...
International Forum on One Korea Explores the Challenges and Opportunities Amid the Dynamic U.S.-China Relations
“The global pandemic is disrupting not only the social and working lives of individuals and communities but also relationships between nations. Governments are stretched to meet their domestic challenges. Vulnerabilities in the global economy and supply chain have...