Approach to Peacebuilding
Advancing a Movement for Peace based on the
Vision of One Family under God
A peace-building vision rooted in universal principles and values is an essential foundation for peace. Such a framework for peace can advance new avenues for track-two diplomacy that fully engages the value-generating institutions of civil society.
2018 Year in Review: Community-Driven Peacebuilding
Just as recently as 2017, lives were shattered, crops were lost and children were unable to attend school in Kaninkon, a community in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Yet, throughout 2018 this same community has begun to plan community programs and activities...
Remembering George H.W. Bush: “A Steady, Diplomatic Hand”
The prevailing view was that [German] reunification was a distant dream, and key leaders in Europe did not support a unified Germany. Despite these obstacles, President Bush worked behind the scenes in support of a grassroots movement that led to...
Securing Peace in Local Communities: One Step at a Time
The following story from Global Peace Foundation illustrates the power of community engagement in grassroots projects to create peace on a local and national level. The One Family under God Campaign in Nigeria’s Kaduna State brings together religious...
Thanksgiving Lessons on Unity The United States observes Thanksgiving on the third Thursday of November. Most every citizen acknowledges the national holiday as a day to express gratitude for the blessings in their lives, enjoying time...
The Unfinished Movement: March 1, 1919
March 1, 1919 was the first peaceful protest in a series of Korean citizen-led demonstrations that expressed the spirit of the times: the deeply-rooted longing of a people to make their own choices and to determine their own fates. Many nations (China,...
K-Wave Inspires a New Generation for Korean Reunfication
In 2015, an unprecedented project was launched, using Korean popular culture to engage younger generations around the world on the issue of Korean reunification – the New Era Unification Campaign. Kim Hyung-suk, a well-known Korean composer, took up the...
Building Peace Starts with “Us” not “Them”
When confronting the challenges that impact our everyday lives, from global issues of peace and development, to local work of community development and social cohesion, all too often the approach is framed in an “us” vs “them” framework. Yet, it is this...
International Day of Nonviolence: Remembering the Korean March 1 Independence Movement
International Day of Nonviolence is commemorated every year on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, October 2, in celebration of his contributions to humanity in promoting nonviolent social action. Leaders like Gandhi have prompted global movements that have awakened...
Reconciliation through a Vision of One Family under God
The vision of One Family under God has been inspiring faith, community and cultural leaders around the world to seek out solutions towards a peaceful and prosperous future. The following is a simple, but substantial example that reflects the change of...