Approach to Peacebuilding
Advancing a Movement for Peace based on the
Vision of One Family under God
A peace-building vision rooted in universal principles and values is an essential foundation for peace. Such a framework for peace can advance new avenues for track-two diplomacy that fully engages the value-generating institutions of civil society.
The Korea Times: Ancient Indian Spirit Meets Korean Peacebuilding Movement
Lee Hyo-Jin of The Korea Times covered the Global Peace Leadership Conference Indo-Pacific 2023 held in New Delhi, India on April 11-13, 2023. Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, the co-founder and chairman of the Global Peace Foundation, delivered the keynote speech on April...
Social Cohesion is a Bedrock for Peace
To live together in peace and prosperity we must understand that beyond these many differences, we are one family who share the same origin in the Creator God. The vision of One Family under God can unite us since it shows the pathway to true global unity in...
Shared Values as a Framework for Peacebuilding
We have taken the approach that there is a common vision that motivates and animates all of humanity. That vision is ‘One Family under God.’ […] A common thread exists in all of the faith traditions that articulates and identifies universal principles and values as...
Action for Korea United (AKU): 2012-2021
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. Action for Korea United: 2012-2021 The impact of our work through Action for Korea United (AKU) and the One Korea Global Campaign has begun to gain traction, not only on...
International Forum on One Korea Explores the Challenges and Opportunities Amid the Dynamic U.S.-China Relations
“The global pandemic is disrupting not only the social and working lives of individuals and communities but also relationships between nations. Governments are stretched to meet their domestic challenges. Vulnerabilities in the global economy and supply chain have...
International Forum on One Korea Advocates for a Peaceful, Principled Korean Unification
“The Korean Dream vision of unification would not only fulfill the long-held aspiration of our ancestors but would also open up a new chapter of greater prosperity and peace for the peninsula. It would bring together the existing synergistic elements of both Koreas...
Quotes to Inspire You on International Day of Peace
"To tackle the obstacles before us that undermine peace and development we need, at every level – from the highest echelons of government to the smallest village community – leadership that is both moral and innovative." —HJM (Global Peace Leadership Conference 2018,...
An Opportunity for Peacebuilding Leaders Amidst the Global Pandemic
“Offering the young hope and opportunities in a time of uncertain future is also one of the keys for addressing the pressing problem of identity-based conflict, driven by the violent extremism of religious and ethnic hatred. On this issue more than nearly any other,...
Why We Build Local Models: A Nigerian Case Study
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller The 21st century opened with hopes for an era of peace. Yet the first two decades have continued to be plagued...