The pathway that determines where we need to go stems from the dream of God and the purpose that he had ever since the beginning of human creation. Resonating with timeless truths and spiritual values, this dream is none other than one family under God.
However, a dream without an owner is merely a fleeting idea. In order for that dream to transform the world, it needs a committed owner to turn it into a reality.
Owners do not do things out of obligation. Rather than doing a job because they have to do it, owners are like self-propelled engines—they take initiative and put words into action because they want to. And the reason why they have the desire to go out there and make a difference is because they want to live for the sake of others and for the greater good.
If you are an owner, if you believe, you will overcome any doubt and move forward with absolute dedication. You will move not with fear but with confidence, and other people will find strength in your conviction.
The world is hungry for visionary leadership to find the path to peace and prosperity. As leaders, let us take ownership of realizing a world of peace based on one family under God. With true owners at the forefront, this dream will have the transformative power to bring the world together as one.