Moral & Innovative Leadership
Dr. Moon has promoted moral and innovative leadership as the deciding factor to progress throughout history and in every endeavor. Moral leadership outlines a vision rooted in universal aspirations, principles and values. Innovative leadership harnessing our creativity to advance the human condition.
Essentials of Innovation
"Every culture has examples of extraordinary men and women who propelled humanity forward in the fields of philosophy, ethics, the sciences, athletics and the cultural arts. They have challenged existing paradigms by exercising their God-given talents." Dr. Hyun Jin...
Good Coaches are Tough and Honest
“The best coaches are the ones that always push you, because they recognize you have more potential.” Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon Through its work, Global Peace Foundation has also recognized the power of sports. In Malaysia, Midnight Football used soccer to provide at-risk...
“The North-South Korean Unification Issue Cannot Be Resolved through Politics and Foreign Diplomacy alone… A Civilian Track will be More Effective.”
April 6th, the JoongAng Daily Newspaper published the following article of a recent interview with Dr. Hyun Jin Moon. From the issue of North-South Korean Unification to raising nine children, the article is an intimate conversation with Dr. Moon on his perspectives...
A Time for Bold Leadership
Human history has reached an inflection point. Just within the last few years, governments have undergone significant transformations, financial systems have dissolved leaving room for radically new models, and rapid advances in communication and transportation have...
Seizing Current Opportunities
A few years ago, I was meeting with company managers to discuss our goals for the next fiscal year. The managers looked at their accounting numbers and told me, “We grew 30 percent last year, so we are going to grow at 30 percent this year.” I asked them, “Why are you...
The Standard of True Leadership
What is the universal standard of leadership? Some think that leadership is defined by position. Yet even the president of a company is not automatically a leader. Some think that leadership is about money or influence. Yet there are many affluent people that are not...
Dr. Moon’s address at the Global Peace Leadership Conference, Tokyo Japan 2012
June 1 - 2, 2012 Tokyo, Japan - The Global Peace Leadership Conference in Japan posed the question, “What type of leadership does this nation of Japan need at this critical time.” It was an important opportunity to address the historic and recent past, and look...
The Latin American Precedent: Setting New Models of Development
Latin America has a great opportunity. The global financial meltdown in 2008 brought to question traditional models of development and opened exploration for alternative examples. I believe Latin America is poised to lead the way in generating new balanced and...
Video: Moral and Innovative Leadership
Our world is going through a period of dramatic transition. Particularly this year, many governments are holding decisive elections: Kenya, South Korea, the United States, to name a few. Moral and effective leadership is not defined by one’s religion, nationality,...