Moral & Innovative Leadership
Dr. Moon has promoted moral and innovative leadership as the deciding factor to progress throughout history and in every endeavor. Moral leadership outlines a vision rooted in universal aspirations, principles and values. Innovative leadership harnessing our creativity to advance the human condition.
What Religion Did for East Germany’s Peaceful Revolution
Many have criticized religion as the reason for violence and writers from Richard Dawkins to Sam Harris cautions us on the dangers of religion. And yet one could point to pivotal moments in history where religion has been the only thing that could have moved a...
Our World House: Remembering the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(Updated on Jan. 15, 2021) On Martin Luther King Jr. day, the United States celebrates the man, his legacy and his call for a worldwide brotherhood of man. Dr. King understood the importance of working together beyond differences and demonstrated non-violent social...
Paraguay – A Nation in Transformation
This year's Global Peace Convention will be hosted in Paraguay. The Global Peace Foundation recently published an article explaining the significance of Paraguay as the host of the upcoming convention themed " "Roadmap for National Transformation: Liberty, Prosperity...
Principles and Values are the Foundation of Development
"Well functioning democracies stand on a foundation of principles and values. These are spiritual values that are not derived from any human institution, but endowed by our Creator. These are not just abstract ideals, but have real world implications." ~Dr. Hyun Jin...
The Principles of ‘One Family under God’
Moral leadership is more precious for the future of a nation than gold, diamonds or oil under the soil. It is guided by a common vision that reflects the most fundamental human aspirations, conforms to the universal spiritual principles that govern human life, and is...
A Call for True Leaders to Lead This Era into Peace
I believe we stand at a moment of historic transition. Humanity is being challenged to take responsibility for the future and answer this fundamental question. In the words of my father, who devoted his entire life to the pursuit of peace, “Will everlasting peace ever...
Empowering Women in Public and Private Leadership
“The dream of peace cannot be achieved without the support of women who constitute half of the world’s population. The original nature and the experience of women strengthen social activities and are essential to realizing the dream of establishing One Family under...
Washington’s Precedents
In 1776, America conducted a revolutionary experiment. The Founding Fathers of America set forth an ambitious vision. When monarchies were the choice form of governance, they set out to prove that a government could be run “of the people, for the people and by the...
50 Years Still Realizing the Dream
On August 28, 2013, the nation and world will gather around the Washington Monument’s reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial to commemorate a momentous day in history. 50 years ago, a young, relatively unknown, southern Baptist preacher from Atlanta, Georgia...