Moral & Innovative Leadership
Dr. Moon has promoted moral and innovative leadership as the deciding factor to progress throughout history and in every endeavor. Moral leadership outlines a vision rooted in universal aspirations, principles and values. Innovative leadership harnessing our creativity to advance the human condition.
Global Youth Summit 2017 Philippines advances Role of Youth in Peacebuilding
“With young people, the most important thing is passion… You have to be passionate about the future you want to create.” –Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon The role of young people in the achievement of sustainable global peace is gaining momentum as technology and social...
Global Peace Awards 2017: Recognizing the Precedents of Moral and Innovative Leaders
“Only through the commitment and sacrifice of true “owners” can the all too important work of peace be advanced.” -Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon The Global Peace Awards Gala on March 1st, 2017 during the Global Peace Convention will honor government, civil society and...
Healthy Families for a Peaceful World: The Power of Transformative Women Leadership
“Women play such a pivotal part in the way in which humanity was formed, for the better or for the worse. I believe that there is an innate goodness in the nurturing, pure heart of a mother, as well as the loving, supportive heart of a wife, or an understanding heart...
Global Youth Summit Gathers the Peace Generation
“The large youth populations in the Philippines and through much of Asia will shape the future of their countries for better or worse. From them will emerge the next generation of leaders so their education is of critical importance. This means not only literacy, but...
Morality and Innovation: Two Sides of a Coin
“When we live in accordance with universal laws and in harmony with the natural world, we can best tap the resourceful energy of human creativity. Innovative leadership focuses that energy to find new and inventive approaches to solve problems and create new...
A Time for Bold Leadership
"A new global movement for change needs to arise, anchored in the past but bringing a fresh, new vision for the future. This is a time for bold leadership, that is guided by a universal aspiration and tied to those time-tested principles and values that form the...
"Moral leadership is guided by the shared principles and values that manifest in the noble qualities of human nature. It does not reflect any self-serving personal or political interests but benefits “the greater good” of humanity, and affirms the intrinsic value of...
Getting to Peace
There is something much more sublime than the practical at work in human faith. If we were limiting ourselves to the logical and practical, then education and vocational training should do the trick. Religion is powerful precisely because it functions somewhat...
Education for the Future
A parent shamelessly calls in sick to an employer on behalf of their – ostensibly – adult child, another accompanies their child to graduate school interviews. These and other stories illustrate the concepts of “helicopter” or “hothouse parenting”. Although they are...