Moral & Innovative Leadership
Dr. Moon has promoted moral and innovative leadership as the deciding factor to progress throughout history and in every endeavor. Moral leadership outlines a vision rooted in universal aspirations, principles and values. Innovative leadership harnessing our creativity to advance the human condition.
The Secrets of Humility: Why it Makes Leaders Better
“It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom.” —Mahatma Gandhi New research in the workplace is revealing the key role humility plays in developing leaders with the skills, knowledge and grit to tackle today’s challenges with innovative solutions. As it turns out,...
Finding True North on a Moral Compass
“This is called a compass,” the experienced mountaineer addressed myself and my peers in the remote wilderness of Montana, facetiously holding up the orienteering object to a crowd of smiling teenagers and twenty-somethings. If you are like me, you have grown...
A Time for Moral Leadership and Courage
“An ethical leader possesses humility, maintains concern for the greater good, is honest and straightforward, fulfills commitments, strives for fairness, takes responsibility, shows respect for each individual, encourages and develops others, serves others...
4 Traits of Moral Leaders (and Why it Makes them Innovative)
“A true leader’s position should not reflect any self-serving personal or political interests but benefit ‘the greater good’ of humanity. The moral aspect of leadership provides a vision rooted in universal aspirations, principles and values, while the innovative...
Discovering the Real Power of Leadership through the International Young Leaders Assembly
“Step a little to the left. Ok, smile!” The shutter of my phone’s camera captured the largest smile I’d ever seen on the face of my new friend from Japan standing in front of the solemnly seated figure at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. As Seichiro eagerly...
3 Ways IYLA Makes Better Leaders
We are all striving to leave our mark on the world. Young people have the passion, energy and vision to make a widespread positive impact. However, it is not enough to hold a title or position in society. Today’s world requires leaders with both moral and innovative...
The Transforming Power of the Wilderness
For centuries, poets, authors, religious leaders, scientists and great minds from around the world have acknowledged the irreplaceable lessons on...
4 Lessons on Leadership from Mother Nature
Nature is one of humankind’s greatest classrooms. In nature, we are tested physically and mentally. We learn who we really are as leaders and spiritual beings, and how we are connected and responsible for each other as part of one human family. We face our true selves...
Modeling One Family under God through Youth Mentorship
“Moral leadership requires a vision of peace and justice for the entire human family. This vision goes beyond our national borders to see the benefits of global peace and justice for ourselves and all people. It is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values...