Moral & Innovative Leadership
Dr. Moon has promoted moral and innovative leadership as the deciding factor to progress throughout history and in every endeavor. Moral leadership outlines a vision rooted in universal aspirations, principles and values. Innovative leadership harnessing our creativity to advance the human condition.
Reconciliation needs a Vision for the Future
In the 1990’s, “reconciliation” was in the air. Countries with different histories and cultures saw the process that South Africa went through in its post-apartheid period and saw their own need to do the same. Each nation took up interpretation of reconciliation in...
World Creativity and Innovation Day: Transformation through Moral Leadership
On April 21, the world celebrates World Creativity and Innovation Day. The United Nations states that the cultural and creative industries play an essential role in economic growth, sustainable development, and “represents a source of identity” for individuals and...
Countering Corruption with Moral Leadership: Voice of Tanzania Youth
“We must use our knowledge and skills acquired from school to transform the society from our local communities. Successful people never complain; they always grab opportunities and share them with others.” —David George (Participant, GPF Tanzania youth forum) In an...
Studying Social Transformation: Another look at The Battle of Jericho
A ragtag group of refugees from Egypt arrived at the gates at the edge of the Promised Land of Canaan. They marveled at the city before them, the colorful and bustling marketplace, soldiers patrolling the perimeter and what they could only imagine was truly a land of...
5 Leadership Lessons from President Washington
“It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp...
5 Olympic-Sized Lessons from Sports
“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” —Wilma Rudolph (USA gold medalist in track and field in 1960) As the PyeongChang Winter Olympics...
4 Ways Peace Advanced in 2017: Year in Review
Reflecting back on a tumultuous and unpredictable 2017, there were areas of development and growth that proved to be a “silver-lining” of opportunity amidst crises. With a vision and a growing multi-sectoral network of moral, innovative leaders, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston...
2017 Year in Review: Global Peace Economic Models
“When nations engage in issues of transforming a nation in poverty, they do everything in reverse. They start with the economic, then interfere with political, then catch up to the social side as an afterthought. The GPF model has done the exact opposite – it started...
2017 Year in Review: Moral and Innovative Leadership: New Models for Peace and Development
“Moral and innovative leadership can tap the wellspring of innate human creativity because as self-governing, responsible and ethical citizens, such leaders are best prepared to address even the most intractable social problems… A moral leader is guided by a common...