Moral & Innovative Leadership
Dr. Moon has promoted moral and innovative leadership as the deciding factor to progress throughout history and in every endeavor. Moral leadership outlines a vision rooted in universal aspirations, principles and values. Innovative leadership harnessing our creativity to advance the human condition.
Children’s Day Celebrations Promote Education, Safe Communities, and Strong Families in Nigeria
Parents play a vital role in their families as educators and leaders in raising children to live a life that embodies One
Family under God. Global Peace Foundation highlighted this during Children’s Day celebrations in Nigeria.
Lessons from Genghis Khan’s Vision and Leadership
One of the most fascinating stories in modern history is the story of Genghis Khan. Previously, much of what people knew about Genghis Khan came from depictions written by his enemies. Luckily, today we have more information about what gave rise to his massive empire...
Quotes to Inspire You on International Day of Peace
"To tackle the obstacles before us that undermine peace and development we need, at every level – from the highest echelons of government to the smallest village community – leadership that is both moral and innovative." —HJM (Global Peace Leadership Conference 2018,...
Tackling the Global Pandemic with Moral and Innovative Leadership in Africa
“To tackle the obstacles before us that undermine peace and development we need, at every level – from the highest echelons of government to the smallest village community – leadership that is both moral and innovative.” —Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon (Global Peace Leadership...
Preparing for Spring
The Right Attitude in Times of Challenge The more we overcome, the more we gain in wisdom, understanding, and building a character that does not give way to panic in times of crisis. In the US Pacific Northwest, spring is a big deal. From the dark, rainy, sometimes...
10 Inspiring Quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.
Recent history has seen examples of inspired leadership in the lives of people like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King, Jr. who is remember on the third Monday every January in the United States. Each of these leaders had to face enormous...
Model of Development Advances Moral and Innovative Solutions
The innovative practices of Global Peace Foundation’s All Lights Village project in countries around the world are not only helping to raise rural societies out of poverty, but most importantly, provides education and support for local people to become leaders that...
5 Ways Peace Advanced in 2018: Year in Review
Looking back on 2018, important advancements in peacebuilding have been made around the world. With the vision of One Family under God and a growing multi-sectoral network of moral, innovative leaders, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon worked to advance peace and...
2018 Year in Review: Moral and Innovative Leadership
Moral and Innovative Leadership in 2018 Moral and Innovative Leadership has been the deciding factor in addressing the most challenging issues of our time. Based on a common vision and shared values, leaders were able to come together from around the...