Moral & Innovative Leadership
Dr. Moon has promoted moral and innovative leadership as the deciding factor to progress throughout history and in every endeavor. Moral leadership outlines a vision rooted in universal aspirations, principles and values. Innovative leadership harnessing our creativity to advance the human condition.
Taking up the Mantle of the New March 1st Movement
On Korea’s March 1 Independence Movement anniversary, we remember that the work for a free Korea remains unfulfilled.
Read about Dr. Moon’s Korean Dream movement to realize those dreams in a nation that can inspire the global community.
Global Peace Foundation Kenya Fosters Environmental Stewardship
Global Peace Foundation Kenya, alongside key partners, recently celebrated the 2nd Mazingira Day, a day dedicated to environmental awareness and action, at Starehe Girls Centre. This event was a powerful demonstration of environmental stewardship, as it aimed to address the critical challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution while promoting sustainable practices that can safeguard our planet’s future.
Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Peacebuilding
Youth leadership development plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of nations, particularly in countries like Tanzania, India, Mongolia, and Nigeria, where large youth populations face significant socio-economic challenges.
[Video] Global Peace Leadership Conference Africa 2024 Recap
The Global Peace Leadership Conference Africa 2024 gathered delegates from across Africa and the world to discuss strategies for fostering peace, development, and cooperation. The conference promoted an African Renaissance that leverages the continent’s heritage and values, empowering African leadership, enhancing intracontinental partnerships, and encouraging ethical global citizenship. Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon was a keynote speaker, highlighting the richness of Africa’s spiritual values and the importance of building a culture of peace around the model of an extended family.
PeaceHub Campaign Advances a Culture of Service in India
Discover how youth and families in India are advancing peaceful communities through a culture of service with a unique peacebuilding approach facilitated by Global Peace Foundation.
Cooperative Societies Bridge Religious and Cultural Divides in Nigeria
Global Peace Foundation’s unique approach to peacebuilding incorporates universal shared values to bridge religious and cultural divides. Check out the work of GPF Nigeria, which has established Peace and Reconciliation Committees and Cooperative Societies.
Transformative Education Model Empowers Youth for Peacebuilding in the Global South
The future can substantially change when we can inspire the youth and empower them with character, universal values, and moral and innovative leadership capacities. Global Peace Foundation’s new enterprise, Transforming Education in the Global South, incorporates...
Global Peace Award 2023 Honors Exceptional Peacebuilders
“Each [Global Peace Award] winner has demonstrated in their areas of expertise an uncommon passion for excellence and commitment to realizing a world of peace." Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon The 2023 Global Peace Awards recipients were honored at an awards gala in Manila,...
Youth Programs Inspire Service and Innovation in India
Youth leadership development is a crucial component of peacebuilding programs conducted by the Global Peace Foundation around the world. With their energy and passion, youth are emerging leaders who play a critical role in peacebuilding, starting in their local...