To All Volunteers with Gratitude
This week the United States celebrated National Volunteer Week. I want to acknowledge and thank all the volunteers who are touching lives and transforming communities throughout our world. When I think of the power of service, I remember a humble meal I had in a...
Launching into Spring
I am launching my blog just as we welcome spring here in North America. Spring represents many things -- new hope, new life. Our world faces a tremendous opportunity. In one sense we are emerging from the harsh and bitter cold of winter and ushering in spring. It is...
Dr. Jun Sook Moon appointed Chairwoman of Global Peace Women Initiative
At the close of the Global Peace Convention 2011 in Seoul, Korea, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon launched Global Peace Woman, an initiative to engage women as crucial participants of peacebuilding. He said, "The dream of peace cannot be achieved without the support of women who...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Addresses the Theme, “Peace-Building in East Asia and the Reunification of the Korean Peninsula” at the Global Peace Convention in Seoul, Korea
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Conference in Seoul, Korea under the theme, “Peace-Building in East Asia and the Reunification of the Korean Peninsula,” on November 28-30, 2011. Your excellencies, honored guests, distinguished participants from...
Address at the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) Asia-Pacific Conference 2011
The following address was delivered by Dr. Moon at the Asia-Pacific Conference for the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) held at the Changwon Convention Center on October 29, 2011. I was very impressed with Dr. Lee’s talk on the importance of...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Emphasizes Mongolia’s Role in Regional Peace at the 2011 Global Peace Leadership Conference
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Ulaanbaatar's Sukhbaatar Square, Mongolia under the theme, “Mongolia and Northeast Asia Peace,” on August 26, 2011. Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the vast...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon’s Keynote Speech at the Global Peace Leadership Conference 2010 in Seoul, Korea
Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon spoke on the global significance of the Korean Peninsula at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in 2010.
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Addresses Keynote at the Global Peace Convention in Nairobi, Kenya
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Conference in Nairobi, Kenya under the theme, “Dealing with Corruption: Application of Principles and Values as Foundations for Effective Governance,” held at the Kenyatta convention center on November 17-20,...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon speaks at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Asuncion, Paraguay
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Asunción, Paraguay under the theme, "Opportunities, Difficulties, and Challenges of Latin America," on October 20-22, 2010. His Excellency Dr. Federico Franco, Vice-President of the...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Speaks at Interfaith Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference Interfaith Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia under the theme, “A New Interfaith Paradigm for the 21st Century,” on October 16, 2010. Your Excellency the Honorable Vice President Boediono, the...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Gives Keynote Address at the GPLC Kathmandu, Nepal in 2010
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal on April 4th, 2010. Your excellencies, distinguished participants and guests, it is both an honor and pleasure to meet you at this Global Peace Leadership Conference, a...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon addresses the theme, “Peacebuilding for the 21st Century: Interfaith, Service, and Family”
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Conference in the Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines under the theme, “Peacebuilding for the 21st Century: Interfaith, Service, and Family,” on December 10-13, 2009. Your excellencies, distinguished participants,...