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A Spiritually Rooted Vision for Peace

A Spiritually Rooted Vision for Peace

We have to be bold and break new ground in order to articulate a meaningful vision for peace. The last century taught us the futility of tackling the world’s problems through the same old military, economic, political and diplomatic solutions. Dealing with only the...

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Importance of Family

Importance of Family

Let us take a moment and think about family. First and foremost, the family is universal. Regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality and religion we are all members of families. Secondly, the family represents the most intimate of human relationships. We use familial...

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Some Lessons from Horseback Riding

Some Lessons from Horseback Riding

I have been riding horses since I was a young boy, and I continue to learn many profound lessons from horseback riding. Recently I’ve had some time to ride horses with my children. Here are two lessons on leadership that we learned. You can lie to yourself but you...

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Dream Big

Dream Big

I’ve had the privilege to engage with youth around the world. There is something in the youth, regardless of where they are from that inspires me to invest – they dream big. They are looking forward to the life ahead of them.  Fears and inhibitions from the past do...

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