Kenyans Deliver A Peaceful Election – Global Peace Foundation Recognized as Significant Contributor
On Saturday, March 9th, five days after the last poll was closed and the final ballots hand counted due to a glitch in the automated system, the winner of the Kenyan presidential election was announced. The election is not without some minor breakout of violence, but...
“The Most Physically Challenging Experience” – Four Days on the Olympic Coast
According to Kenshu Aoki, President of the Global Peace Youth Corps-USA (GPYC-USA) and adventure workshop team leader, “This 4-Day hike truly brought out the adventure in the adventure program.” During the debriefing session, one participant confessed that this was...
Celebrating International Day of Women
The dream of peace cannot be achieved without women. Women are a pivotal part of how humanity has formed. They are our precious mothers, who bring life into the world. They are wives, sisters, and daughter. The innate goodness of the original nature and...
Christian and Muslim Learners March Together at the 1st Commencement Exercises of GPF Alternative Learning System (GlobALS)
Last year, GPF's Alternative Learning System (GlobALS) held its first commencement exercise on June 12, 2012 at Talipapa National High School, City of Malabon. Thirty-nine students passed the Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test and 73 people completed the GPF...
Character and Creativity Initiative Transforms Kenyan Schools
The recent article by the Chosun Daily on the Global Peace Foundation's work in Kenya commended the impact of the Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI) in Kenyan schools. The following is the presentation that Tony Devine gave at the Global Peace Convention...
Global Peace Foundation Given Special Recognition by Korean Ministry of Special Affairs
Global Peace Foundation Korea was selected from among thousands of NGOs in Korea to receive a special certificate of commendation from the Korean Ministry of Special Affairs. This is what Financial News in Korea reported. By Hyung Wook Yang Seoul,...
Gettysburg Address
The opening scene of Spielberg's 2012 film Lincoln, appropriately opens with a recitation of the Gettysburg Address. Most Americans are asked to read the Gettysburg Address sometime during their school career. Rhetoricians have studied and marveled at why his short...
Lincoln’s Pursuit of the Founding Vision of America
"In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free -- honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth." Abraham Lincoln, Letter to Congress 1862 January 21, 2013, President Barack...
Two Rays of Light in Kenya
The following report was published in the Chosun Ilbo (Daily), a Korean newspaper on the launch of the Allights Village Project in Kenya. [International] Kenya Two Rays of Light in Kenya By Byung Mook Choi Nairobi, KENYA, February 1, (Cheoson Ilbo) ⊙ GPF has brought...
Demonstrating Global Excellence in Philanthropy: Dr. Manu and Mrs. Aruna Chandaria
The Global Peace Awards Gala closed out the Global Peace Convention 2012. Notable moral and innovative leaders in academia, philanthropy, governance, interfaith and strengthening family were recognized.
Family is the First School of Leadership and Character
GPF supports efforts to strengthenfamilies as one of its central pillars. The family is the building-block of society. The love for one’s immediate family: brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, can expand to embrace society and ultimately the world. In the family, personalized lessons teach valuable skills like communication and central values like empathy, responsibility and honesty, all indispensable qualities of leadership.
A Time for Bold Leadership
Human history has reached an inflection point. Just within the last few years, governments have undergone significant transformations, financial systems have dissolved leaving room for radically new models, and rapid advances in communication and transportation have...