Statue of Liberty Reminds America Why It Has Been Blessed
In 2012, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon addressed religious leaders at the first Coalition for American Renewal Symposium. “I firmly believe that God has blessed America not for itself but for the sake of the world. As a “shining city upon a hill”, America is to give hope to all...
International Young Leaders Assembly: a Practicum of Moral and Innovative Leadership
The International Young Leaders Assembly (IYLA) begins today in New York City. The Assembly will travel to significant institutions of peace and development in New York City, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. In New York, the Permanent Mission to the Republic of...
A Grassroots Movement for Peace in Ireland
Unsteady peace has held in Ireland for fifteen years, but there are still painful reminders of the violence and discrimination that ripped across the Emerald Isle propagated by political, religious and national differences. Thousands of lives were taken in the...
Global Peace Foundation-Ireland Launched
On July 18th, 2013, Global Peace Foundation-Ireland was officially launched at the Irish Aid Volunteering and Information Centre in Dublin, followed by ten days of events and meetings, giving GPF's newest chapter a running start The launch concluded with an event...
All Lights Village in Kenya Featured in The People
At the start of 2013, Global Peace Foundation expanded the Alllights Village Program to Kenya and Uganda. It is timely as the Kenya government moves forward with the “Kerosene Free Kenya” programme following its commitment at Rio 20+ in 2012. The All Lights...
Experiencing One Family Under God in Downtown Seattle
Eighty youth from the Philippines, Japan, Mongolia, Korea and the U.S. sang, danced and delivered speeches in the heart of downtown Seattle to raise funds for the All Lights Village project and promote the vision that humanity is connected as one family under God. The...
An Attitude that Secures Success
Through the International Youth Assembly and Global Peace Youth Corps (GPYC) the next generation is building a movement on college campuses and communities to secure peace through the vision of One Family Under God. An essential of GPYC’s leadership training is...
Leap Hubs to Provide Mentors to Cultivate Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Global Peace Foundation announced the latest project of it's Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI), a program called Leap Hubs, "Entrepreneurship & Leadership Incubators in Schools". Leap Hubs is a mentoring program build upon the core belief that “high school...
Essentials of Innovation
"Every culture has examples of extraordinary men and women who propelled humanity forward in the fields of philosophy, ethics, the sciences, athletics and the cultural arts. They have challenged existing paradigms by exercising their God-given talents." Dr. Hyun Jin...
Chandaria Innovation Incubation Center Promises Shift in Higher Education and New Market Opportunities
On July 30, 2013, the Chandaria Business Innovation and Incubation Center was unveiled at Kenyatta University. The center promises an approach that seeks to redefine university education and open new opportunities for economic development. Kenya’s latest unemployment...
Strong Families the Foundation for Lasting Peace
The closest relationships in our lives are understood in familial terms. A close friend is like a brother or a sister. An elder mentor is like a parent. Our elderly neighbor is like our grandparent. The family is the school of love, where the virtues that underlie all...
“Strengthening Families: A Global Priority” GPF interview with Ms. Diann Dawson
In July, Global Peace Foundation communications coordinator, Eric Olsen, sat down with Ms. Diann Dawson, recently retired Director of Regional Operations in the Administration for Children and Families of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She currently...