Dr. Hyun Jin Moon speech at the Closing Plenary of GPF Abuja 2013
The following is a speech that Dr. Moon delivered at the closing plenary of the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Abuja, Nigeria, held at the Abuja Sheraton Hotel from November 7-9, 2013. Below is the full transcription: Thank you very much. First of all, for all...
Dr. Moon Addresses International Peacemakers at Opening Plenary of Global Peace Leadership Conference Abuja 2013
The following is a speech that Dr. Moon delivered at the opening plenary of the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Abuja, Nigeria, held at the Abuja Sheraton Hotel from November 7-9, 2013. Dr. Hyun Jin Moon urged Nigeria to become a leader of moral and innovative...
Dr. Moon Scheduled to Travel to Africa and Southeast Asia
Over the next few months, three major events will be hosted by the Global Peace Foundation. Dr. Moon will be traveling to Nigeria, Philippines and Malaysia to attend the upcoming Global Peace Leadership Conferences and Festivals as well as the annual Global Peace...
The Story of a Point of Light: Sunday Standard Runs Feature on GPF-Kenya Country Director Daniel Juma
"One moment there had been nothing but darkness; next moment a thousand, thousand points of light leaped out." CS Lewis, Magician’s Nephew In his 1988 acceptance speech, President George Bush Sr., made this image famous when he likened volunteers in the United States...
Nigeria, Giant of Africa, Hosts Global Peace Leadership Conference 2013
This past year, the Global Peace Foundation has started assertively working in Nigeria to bring together religious and traditional rulers. Recent violence by the Boko Haram, a militant Muslim group that has allegedly claimed the lives of thousands, has garnered...
Finding Unity in Diversity
When autumn arrives in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, the deciduous trees give up their green for yellow, orange, brown, and red. It is a celebration of the reality and splendor of the world’s diversity. But, all too often, humanity’s differences are...
Rev. Schuller at GPC Atlanta: Say “Yes” to Peace
Rev. Anthony A. Schller delivered the following message at the Global Peace Convention 2012 in Atlanta. Rev. Schuller served as co-chair of the convention. He is also a member of the Global Peace Leadership Council and co-chair of the Coalition for American Renewal....
Global Peace Foundation – Korea President Kyung Eui Yoo Interviewed by NewsIs
Early in September, President of Global Peace Foundation-Korea, Kyung Eui Yoo, sat down with NewsIs, a major Korean news outlet. He spoke about his numerous responsibilities as president of GPF-Korea, the International Boxing Federation and KISSA. And recounted how he...
Welcome Message from Co-Chairs of Global Peace Convention 2013
The Global Peace Convention, the Global Peace Foundation's flagship event is fast approaching. It will be hosted in the beautiful cosmopolitan economic and cultural hub of Southeast Asian, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Malaysia's religious, ethnic and cultural diversity...
GPF Recognized for Sustainable Development and Peace for Youth by UN
This year, the Global Peace Foundation was among organizations nominated for the UN Award for its significant contribution in sustainable development and peace for youth. They will receive a certificate on UN Day later in October. Global Peace Foundation has been on...
African Leadership Mission to Define a Shared Vision for Africa
The Global Peace Foundation announced the regional Global Peace Leadership Conference will be held on November 7-9 in Abuja, Nairobi. Africa is at a turning point where she has the potential to become a leading force in the world. The Global Peace Foundation notes...
Jakarta Declaration Calls for "Action-Oriented Inter-religious Partnerships" Based on Shared Values, Principles and Morals
The 68th General Assembly hosted a special session today to scale up efforts for the Millennium Development Goals, eight time-bound, measurable goals to end poverty. According to the President of the General Assembly, H.E. Ambassador John W. Ashe, there are only 850...