Dr. Jun Sook Moon Urges Women to Make Korean Unification a Part of Everyday Life
In her address at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in 2012, Dr. Jun Sook Moon pointed out that Korean unification is inherently tied to the fate all Koreans, including herself, who lives in the United States. “There is nothing abstract about the suffering of...
Role of Women in Peacebuilding Cannot be Overlooked says H.E. Hajiya Sambo
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Mother Teresa The 2012 UNIFEM report entitled “Women, War and Peace” observed that the quality and implementation of peace agreements were drastically improved when women were...
Empowering Women in Public and Private Leadership
“The dream of peace cannot be achieved without the support of women who constitute half of the world’s population. The original nature and the experience of women strengthen social activities and are essential to realizing the dream of establishing One Family under...
Tagore Poem Links Korean Legacy to Its Future: Unification
Two years ago, unification was not considered a practical solution for the conflict on the Korean peninsula. On February 25, President Park Geun-hye announced the formation of a reunification committee that will map out “systematic and constructive” plans towards...
Washington’s Precedents
In 1776, America conducted a revolutionary experiment. The Founding Fathers of America set forth an ambitious vision. When monarchies were the choice form of governance, they set out to prove that a government could be run “of the people, for the people and by the...
The Saemaul, New Village, Movement Was Mindset Change
“It is amazing to consider that as long ago as the third millennium B.C., our ancestors’ lives were already guided by the philosophy of “Hong Ik In Gan.” In other words, they sought to live “for the greater benefit of mankind. This remarkable philosophy, which you...
Korean Character of “Exceptionalism”
On February 11, South Korean Lee Sang-hwa claimed gold in the 500-meter women’s speedskating. It was a no contest race. Lee pulled cleanly ahead, setting a new Olympic record with 37.28 seconds. She also beat the previous combined time of 1.14.75 by five tenths of a...
Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin Moon calls for the establishment of a faith-based Peace Council at the United Nations
“The greatest challenges facing humanity today cannot be solved without resolving religious issues. A faith-based Peace Council should be established at the United Nations,” Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin Moon (44) told reporters after the Global...
Global Peace Foundation Interfaith Work Aimed at Cultivating Moral Authority
"True leaders have a vision and pursue it single-mindedly. Their strength comes from moral authority, like our beloved statesman, Nelson Mandela. That moral authority is rooted in spiritual principles that are then mobilized to engage social change." Dr. Hyun Jin...
Faith-Based Council at the UN can Engage Religious Leaders, an “Untapped Resource” for Peace
The first week of February is World Interfaith Harmony Week, established by UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/65/5. In his statement this year, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon wrote, "For billions of people around the world, faith is an essential foundation of...
Service is a Universal Value
Service is a universal value that resonates in all great religions. The recent commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the United States brought focus to the “vibrant spirit of unconditional love” as the powerful force of Dr. King’s leadership. He quoted Mark...
Dr. Moon Advocates for Inter-faith Cooperation in Interview with Monthly Chosun
“Interfaith activities have dramatically reduced bloodshed and conflict in Nigeria and Kenya” After the Global Peace Convention Malaysia 2013, GPF Chairman Moon Hyun-jin said in an interview with the Monthly Chosun, “God blessed the Korean people with the philosophy...