Service Project for Alto Paraguay Brings New Partners and New Volunteers
“I believe that service will play a pivotal role in changing the global ethic that currently is in the world.” Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, International Association for Volunteer Effort Asia-Pacific Conference, Seoul, Korea, October 29, 2011 Volunteers from the Global Peace...
“In that quietude you might hear the voice of God”
Dr. Moon recently mentioned Dr. Maya Angelou’s last tweet, posted on May 23rd, five days before she passed away. Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God. — Maya Angelou (@DrMayaAngelou) May 23, 2014 Her quote still resonates, reminding...
Nature Lessons from Dr. Hyun Jin Moon
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon has often shared his love for nature, what he calls his first school and place of worship. Recently he expressed, "I love creation because it puts things into perspective." When one stands in front of the majesty and harshness of nature, the most...
Forum Highlights Women’s Critical Role in Peacebuilding
Representatives from faith communities, government agencies, community organizations and academic institutions attended a forum highlighting the critical role of women of faith in peace-building. Ms. Diann Dawson, a, child welfare advocate, human services consultant...
True Spiritual Leaders Essential in Bringing Lasting Peace to Nigeria
Since last year, the Global Peace Foundation has been working in Nigeria to counter the effects of religious extremism through promoting interfaith cooperation for peace and development. In November, a pivotal conference was held in Abuja where Christian and Muslim...
Joint Agreement with National University of Asuncion, Government of Alto Paraguay and IDPPS Signifies Progress in Paraguay
The Global Peace Foundation reported that Paraguayan think-tank Instituto de Desarrollo del Pensamiento Patria Soñada (IDPPS ), the School of Engineering of the National University of Asuncion (UNA) and the State Government of Alto Paraguay signed a joint agreement...
The Principles of ‘One Family under God’
Moral leadership is more precious for the future of a nation than gold, diamonds or oil under the soil. It is guided by a common vision that reflects the most fundamental human aspirations, conforms to the universal spiritual principles that govern human life, and is...
High Schools Implementing Global Peace Foundation Education Initiative Rank Highest in National Test Scores
The Global Peace Foundation reported four high schools implementing the Foundation’s Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI) ranked among the top 10 in the nation. The results of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exam were released on March 3, 2014 by the...
Action for Korea United Takes Initiative to ‘Open the Era of Unification’
“The Korean Dream challenges Koreans and global citizens who hope for reunification to take the issue into their own hands and ask, ‘What will I do to unite Korea.’” Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Global Peace Convention 2011, Seoul, Korea The Global Peace Foundation reported...
A Call for True Leaders to Lead This Era into Peace
I believe we stand at a moment of historic transition. Humanity is being challenged to take responsibility for the future and answer this fundamental question. In the words of my father, who devoted his entire life to the pursuit of peace, “Will everlasting peace ever...
Dr. Babano Says Education of Universal Principles Can Bring Culture of Peace to Mindanao
Mindanao, the southernmost island of the Philippines, is home to three distinct ethnic-religious groups: Muslims, Christian migrant and Indigenous people. What should be the region’s greatest asset, has long been a source of bitter division and violence. Clashes...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Global Peace Foundation Chairman, Says Lasting Resolution to Identity-Based Conflict Must be Rooted in Faith
The Kenyan Standard Digital published an article that featured an approach to identity-based conflict and religious radicalism presented by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Chairman of the Global Peace Foundation, at Global Peace Convention 2013 held in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The...