Kaduna Peace Summit Calls for Interfaith Cooperation to Secure Peace for Development
“Nigeria, with the even balance of Christian and Muslim in your population, is uniquely positioned to create a model of interfaith cooperation that will have global impact in mitigating the effects of religious radicalism. To that end, faith leaders must step beyond...
Paraguay – A Nation in Transformation
This year's Global Peace Convention will be hosted in Paraguay. The Global Peace Foundation recently published an article explaining the significance of Paraguay as the host of the upcoming convention themed " "Roadmap for National Transformation: Liberty, Prosperity...
The Legend of Tangun
The story goes that a long time ago, Hwanin, the lord of Heaven, had a son named Hwanung. Hwanung begged his Father let him to go to earth, for he yearned to see the lush valleys and great mountains. He was also greatly saddened to see all the evil in the hearts of...
Media Coverage of the Global Peace Leadership Conference on a Vision for Korean Unification
The Global Peace Leadership Conference 2014 in Seoul, Korea entitled "Vision, Principles and Values for a Unified Korea" convened leaders from around the world and all areas of Korean society. The seminal conference focused on clarifying a vision for unification that...
Korean Unification ‘Sea-Change’ Cited At 2014 Global Peace Leadership Conference
GPF Chairman say a clear vision of a unified Korea should be based upon the principles and values that have shaped Korean identity. 30-Sep-2014 |“In the three years since the Global Peace Foundation (GPF) held its annual convention here in Seoul, the landscape...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon addresses “Visions, Principles, and Values of a Unified Korea ”
Opening Plenary Keynote Address, Global Peace Leadership Conference 2014, Seoul, Korea Grand Hilton Hotel September 29, 2014 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: I would like to thank you all for your time and leadership contribution at this Global Peace...
Korea Times Interview “Unification can be ‘adrenaline’ for economy”
During the Global Peace Leadership Conference, just concluded on September 30 in Seoul, the Korea Times interviewed Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Founder of the Global Peace Foundation and author of the recently released book Korean Dream: A Vision of a Unified Korea. He told...
Dr. Jun Sook Moon explains “The Role of Women for a Unified Korea”
2014 Global Peace Leadership Conference Korea Theme: "Vision, Principles and Values of a Unified Korea” Concurrent Session: The Role of Women for a Unified Korea Address by: Global Peace Women Chairwoman Dr. Jun Sook Moon September 30, 2014 • Grand Hilton Hotel,...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Calls on Koreans to Own Their Shared Destiny
Opening Banquet, Global Peace Leadership Conference 2014, Seoul, KoreaSeptember 29, 2014 Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, author of Korean Dream: A Vision for a Unified Korea, and founder of the Global Peace Foundation delivered the follow remarks at the opening of the Global Peace...
Chairwoman of Global Peace Women, Jun Sook Moon, Calls for Strengthening Families as the Foundation for Social Transformation
Dr. Jun Sook Moon, Chairwoman of Global Peace Women delivered a powerful address at the recent Global Peace Women Leadership Conference in Seoul, Korea leading up to the Global Peace Leadership Conference the following week. The conference, attended by women leaders...
Dr. Moon’s latest book ‘Korean Dream: A Vision of a Unified Korea’ in Bookstores
Dr. Moon's latest book, Korean Dream: A Vision of a Unified Korea, has hit the shelves of bookstores in Korea. The book, written in Korean, presents a compelling vision for unification. He writes: I cannot speak for you but I do not want to live in or accept the...
American Renewal Begins with Consensus on Shared Values
20-Sep-2014 | “Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of people that these liberties are a gift of God?” --Thomas Jefferson The Global Peace Leadership Conference 2014 in the United States...