Education for the Future
A parent shamelessly calls in sick to an employer on behalf of their – ostensibly – adult child, another accompanies their child to graduate school interviews. These and other stories illustrate the concepts of “helicopter” or “hothouse parenting”. Although they are...
Principles and Values – the Bedrock of Civilizations
The rise of great civilizations requires a foundation of universal principles and shared values that form the foundation of an ethic that holds the people to a shared identity and destiny. A civilizations’ rise is attributed to the people’s resonance to enduring...
Going Beyond Tribalism
Tribalism describes the way human societies have operated for nearly the whole of human history. As an organizing principle based on the notion of shared kinship ties, tribalism makes distinctions between those of the tribe and those who are not. The danger of this...
An Interfaith Movement Based on Universal Principles and Shared Values
This era should be one where people of every faith come together on the foundation of such principles and values in a new Great Spiritual Awakening. "In order to meet the threat of global religious conflict, a new type of interfaith movement must appear, much like the...
Why Vision
The traditional approach to problem-solving has very often been focused on mitigating the symptoms of a larger problem. We might hear the term “band-aid solutions” to connote a remedy that covers over only the visible signs of a problem. In geopolitics today, we can...
Beyond Unification Envisioning the Korean Dream
The Korean Dream Dr. Hyun Jin Moon speaks of in his book dates back to the original founding of the nation and yet, it is also timeless in the sense that it reflects humanity’s greatest dream of peace. The ideal of One Family Under God reverberates throughout the...
Ubuntu and One Family Under God
“Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness.” ~Desmond Tutu Ubuntu is an indigenous African philosophy that transcends tribal and linguistic borders. The concept appears in forms...
Dr. Moon states “Reunification requires People Power more than Government” to JoongAng Sunday
Hyun Jin Moon, founder and Chairman of the Global Peace Foundation called for greater civil society engagement to advance Korean Unification at an interview with the Joonahn Daily during the Global Peace Forum for Korean Reunification in late September. Below is the...
Healing Human Tragedies of the Korean Division
“Healing that division is about much more than politics or economics. These human tragedies are rooted in our personal histories that continue to this day. They are so deeply felt that they cannot be buried and forgotten beneath a thin veneer of material prosperity...
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Presents Economic Paradigm for Reunification, Sisa Newspaper
Hyun Jin Moon, GPF International Chairperson, Presents Economic Paradigm for Preparing for Reunification: Convenes Reunification Economy Forum … “The economic system needs to be improved to prepare for reunification” Approved October 9, 2015 at 09:05:18 Yun Sŏng-pil...
Dr. Moon tells Shin Donga, “Grassroots Movement for Unification will Generate a Huge Wave.”
Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, founder and chairman of the Global Peace Foundation talked about the potential of a grassroots movement to push ahead Korean reunification in an interview with Shin Donga, a monthly Korean magazine. Below is an unofficial English translation...
Seoul Economist Interviews Dr. Moon, Chairman of GPF, Keynote Speech – “Economic reforms: a crucial step towards reunification”
The Seoul Economist published the following article based on their interview with Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, who was in Korea for a series of events related to the movement for Korean re-unification. At one such event, the Global Peace Economic Forum held on October 8th, he...