Bringing a Global Dream to Uganda: Milton’s Story
It was a fateful day that Milton encountered a message that would ignite his heart, mind and his world. Milton grew up in Kampala, Uganda and dreamed of making his nation strong and prosperous. In 2008, he had settled in Kenya to grow a small business....
Robbers Cave Lessons
The Robbers Cave experiment is one of the seminal, textbook social psychology experiments on group conflict that dates back to the 1950s. The experiment put two groups of boys from similar backgrounds through a series of competitions and tests to see what...
Africa is a Continent Vibrant with Possibilities
Read Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon's full speech delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Kampala, Uganda under the theme, “Moral and Innovative Leadership: New Models for Peace and Development,” on August 1-2, 2018, where he highlights the...
Mountain and Water People
At the Global Peace Leadership Conference on August 1st and 2nd, 2018, Dr. Robert Schuller of the Global Peace Leadership Council, spoke on the idea of “water” and “mountain” people. Do you know what a “water person” or a “mountain person” is? Find out...
Raising the Bar and Achieving Goals through Reflective Leadership
The following story is inspired by a youth leadership program to highlight the role and importance of the reflection process in personal and professional development. The process of learning from our...
Building Peace in Dutsen-Wai: A Story of Interfaith
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love...
The Value of Service in Our Humanity
I believe that America’s true strength lies in its moral authority as a nation rooted in spiritual principles and values which has championed human rights and freedoms at home and abroad. This is a nation with the...
Leadership is Key to Peace and Development Say Experts at East Africa/Great Lakes Region Peace Conference
Africa is a continent vibrant with possibilities. There is vast potential in your great resources, a noble, spiritual and cultural heritage, and a large youth population yearning...
“What is Moral and Innovative Leadership?” Shinwon Moon Addresses International Young Leadership Assembly at the United Nations
Shinwon Moon delivered the following speech at the United Nations headquarters in New York City during the annual International Young Leaders Assembly (IYLA) on August 14, 2018. Shinwon Moon is a special adviser of the Global Peace Foundation, a co-convener of the...
Korean National Independence Day Sheds Light on Universal Aspirations of Peace and Prosperity
August 15, 2018 is National Independence Day, commemorated in South Korea as Gwangbokjeol (광복절). Translated it means, “Day of the Restoration of Light.” The name is thought-provoking, perhaps a nod to Rabindranath Tagore’s poem that encouraged the Korean independence...
Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon Calls for Moral and Innovative Leadership to Spearhead African-Led Renaissance for Peace and Development
The following speech was delivered at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Kampala, Uganda under the theme, "Moral and Innovative Leadership: New Models for Peace and Development," held at the Munyonyo Resort on August 1-2, 2018. Your Excellencies,...
Nigeria One Family Under God Peacebuilding Campaign Helps Communities Envision Peace Together
"If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together." —African proverb The following article is from Global Peace Foundation describing the importance of the vision of “One Family under God” and it’s practical application to areas of...