The Global Peace Leadership Conference 2012 opened August 17 in Seoul, Korea.
The theme of this conference is “The Vision for the Unification of the Korean Peninsula and Building a World of Peace.” The word “vision” was not chosen lightly. It has great significance, especially given the challenges facing the peninsula, this region, and the world.
The situation of Korea and its people today is tragic. Although it is their heritage, their right and their destiny to be one family, one people and one nation, they have been divided from one another for more than 60 years. Two opposing visions of human value, human rights and how people should be governed have faced each other across the 38th parallel. Today, the fruits can clearly be seen.
Thank you for your participation here, for working tirelessly to make this conference, and the Global Peace Festival that follows it, a reality, and for your continuing support in this noble cause of peace. Only through the commitment and sacrifice of true owners can the all-important work of peace be advanced.