“For any real discussion of unification to begin, we, as the Korean people, must identify a common platform through which we can all converge not as a divided people but as Koreans.
Before we are to talk about political and economic systems as well as institutions of governance, a real discussion should arise around the dream or aspirations of unification and the principles and values upon which a new nation will be built.”
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Korean Dream
At the close 2014, the Civil Society Organization of Korea conferred the “NGO Collaboration Award” to the Global Peace Foundation-Korea. GPF-Korea’s Southern Seoul branch received the “Best NGO” award. GPF-Korea has been instrumental in Action for Korea United, a coalition of over 300 NGOs committed to advancing Korean reunification.

The Global Peace Foundation – Korea, represented by President In Taek Seo,
was recognized with this year’s Grand Prize, the NGO Collaboration Award
In his acceptance speech, GPF-Korea’s president, Mr. In Taek Seo said that a successful movement for unification can’t be inspired by economic or political reasoning, it will rise from a vision based on the ancient Korean philosophy of Hongik Ingan and touch the hearts of all Korean people.
According to the Global Peace Foundation report, more than 300 representative from multiple political parties, civil society and government institutions were present including parliamentarians Kim Moo-Sung , Won Hye Young, Won Yoo Chul, Yoon Sang Hyun , Ahn Hyo Dae, Kim Jong Hoon, Park Dae Chool , Lee Lee Jeh , Yang Chang Young, Seo Young Kyo, and Yoo Jung Bok, the Incheon city mayor.
Dr. Moon writes in his best-selling book, “Korean Dream,” that only a vision that transcends the divisions of political parties, ideology, geography, and even history can break the deadlock between North and South. Only such a vision can spark an awakening in the souls of people around the world to their shared destiny as a people appointed to live for the sake of humanity.
Action for Korea United has initiated an “Everyday Korean Movement” that asks Koreans to make unification a part of their daily lives. Whether it is donating 1,000₩ a month for a bread factory in North Korea, or volunteering at a Korean Unification School, or coming up with their own creative way to contribute to reunification, the movement is asking every Korean to become a part of building unification.
The original report appears on www.globalpeace.org