The vision of [One Family under God] can be a catalyst for raising up our spiritual consciousness to an even higher level beyond the individual level to that of family. Thus, it will provide us the ability to perceive more clearly the eternal principles governing human life, along with the resolve to live by them. Living in resonance with these principles is living under the sovereignty of God. It is the foundation for genuine freedom, lasting peace, and prosperity for the entire human family.
– Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon
Global Peace Convention 2021
August 15, 2021
Omar N. Bradley once thoughtfully observed that “Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.”
Today, transportation and communication systems technologies have developed so rapidly that humanity is still – in many ways – catching up to these changes. The 24-hour news cycle, internet, and social media platforms have changed how we view the world. On the one hand, these developments have brought the human family closer together. For instance, these technologies have most recently helped mobilize global support and response in times of crisis in unprecedented ways. Yet, on the other hand, what often goes viral is not necessarily humanity at its best. In this kind of interconnected world, even the most minor interactions have the potential to have national and even global impacts, especially when considering the many longstanding issues that have not been adequately addressed.
To take this situation, which holds both great promise and danger, in a wholly positive direction, we need to be able to connect in ways that allow us to honor and celebrate our differences. In this endeavor for moral clarity, how can the faith and wisdom traditions become – true to their origins in God and the spiritual principles – be something that can inspire peace, service, compassion, and understanding between people regardless of their differences?
It is in first recognizing that we are one human family under God. Whatever words we might use, the idea of the Divine and an absolute transcendent order that should govern human life are essential aspects of all faiths and wisdom traditions.
This understanding would call spiritual and religious leaders to lead their families and communities to serve the larger community – together, side-by-side with those from different backgrounds. In that situation, the faithful can serve beyond the borders of their own religions because of their faith, not despite it.
Additionally, respectful cooperation between the different religions can have more practical outputs. For example, sharing best educational practices and programs can strengthen families and help raise the next generation of moral, innovative leaders for a bright future of shared prosperity.
In Nigeria and Indonesia, the Global Peace Foundation is cultivating two very different models. Yet, in even these two very different contexts, GPF is demonstrating that any society can undertake this approach towards building peace in the communities when local leaders and stakeholders first acknowledge universal principles and shared values. These inevitably take much time and investment, but the work of creating these peacebuilding models and the opportunity to share the lessons of peace is well worth it.
By doing so, we come closer together towards a shared dream of peace and mutual prosperity as One Family under God.