No matter what challenges confront you day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment, if you have a good attitude, you will develop the capacity to overcome every challenge.
Challenge is not a bad thing. Some people like to think of it as difficulty. I like to look at challenges as Heaven’s way of providing me with a lesson of a lifetime.
We cannot always determine the circumstances around us. How do we deal with that which we cannot control?
Acknowledge that challenges are Heaven’s gifts to help you grow and mature. No matter what challenges confront you day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment, if you have a good attitude, you will develop the capacity to overcome every challenge.
Also, don’t opt for the easy way. Just as the sun rises and sets, there is a beginning and end to all challenging times. So, rise to the occasion; dig deep inside for what you need to face your challenges. The experience of overcoming challenges will mature and deepen your commitment and faith.