by Editor | Dec 21, 2016 | Africa, Global Peace Foundation, Interfaith, Interfaith Leadership, One Family Under God, Peacebuilding, Video
“We can come together in agreement because we share common principles and values that can move the human family forward in building a world of peace. And that is the great contribution of this great work.” Global Peace Leadership Conference Abuja 2013, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon
by Editor | Dec 15, 2016 | Global Peace Foundation, Interfaith, National Transformation, One Family Under God, Peacebuilding, Video, Youth Leadership
As with many countries around the globe, Kenya has struggled to stem and address youth radicalization and violence in its many forms. In a recent interview with a leading 24-hour TV channel for Eastern Africa, KTN News, Global Peace Foundation Kenya Director Daniel...
by Editor | Dec 6, 2016 | National Transformation, One Family Under God, Service and Volunteerism, Uncategorized
“A clear national vision, rooted in fundamental spiritual principles and shared moral values, is the essential starting point for national transformation.” —GPF Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin Moon While delivering his speech at the Global Peace Convention in Paraguay, Dr. Hyun...
by Editor | Nov 30, 2016 | Global Peace Foundation, Interfaith, Peacebuilding, Vision in Action
“For peace to be established there must be reconciliation. But reconciliation cannot be forced; it has to occur naturally from the heart” Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon Global Peace Convention 2012 in Atlanta Conflict between people has always existed, yet globalization...
by Editor | Nov 28, 2016 | Korean Dream, Peacebuilding, Service and Volunteerism, Uncategorized
“Omotenashi” has recently received a lot of attention as Japan prepares for the 2020 Olympics. Although recognized globally for it’s impressive standard of service, the spirit of omotenashi is not actually unique to Japan. Throughout 5,000 years of the...
by Main | Nov 24, 2016 | Americas
During the height of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a day of national thanksgiving. This would become the first of what is commemorated each year in the United States as Thanksgiving. The nation was divided. Families were literally torn down the middle,...