by Editor | May 26, 2017 | Africa, Global Peace Foundation, Moral and Innovative Leadership, One Family Under God, Peacebuilding, Universal Principles and Values, Youth Leadership
“Moral leadership requires a vision of peace and justice for the entire human family. This vision goes beyond our national borders to see the benefits of global peace and justice for ourselves and all people. It is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values...
by Main | May 24, 2017 | Americas, Service and Volunteerism
To provide global leadership in meeting these challenges, the United States must rekindle its founding ideals and find in them the inspiration for dealing with today’s realities. Global Peace Convention 2012, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon Memorial Day is commemorated on...
by Editor | May 19, 2017 | Asia, Korean Dream
In the last few years, South Koreans have endured a painful process to deal with great loss, anger and soul-searching on a national scale. The people grappled with the tragedy of the sinking of the Sewol ferry as well as issues such as stifled growth due to crony...
by Editor | Apr 19, 2017 | Africa, Global Peace Foundation, Interfaith, Interfaith Leadership, One Family Under God, Peacebuilding
“Nigeria stands on the frontline of the dangerous division within the Abrahamic tradition, between Islam and Christianity…The threat that this represents is extreme and can only be countered by true spiritual leaders, true men and women of God, stepping beyond the...
by Editor | Apr 14, 2017 | Asia, Global Peace Convention, Philippines, Youth Leadership
Global Youth Summit 2017: “Achieving 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through Youth Collaboration, Leadership, and Innovation” March 3rd, 2017 – SM Mall of Asia Arena, Manila, Philippines Keynote Address: Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, Global Peace...
by Editor | Feb 20, 2017 | Africa, Global Peace Foundation, Interfaith, Interfaith Leadership, One Family Under God, Peacebuilding
“In order to meet the threat of global religious conflict, a new type of interfaith movement must appear. Such interfaith partnership is vital in coalescing faith leaders to work together as the conscience of society.” –Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon A hotbed of religious...