by Editor | Jun 10, 2022 | Peacebuilding, Service and Volunteerism
To live together in peace and prosperity we must understand that beyond these many differences, we are one family who share the same origin in the Creator God. The vision of One Family under God can unite us since it shows the pathway to true global unity in...
by Main | May 25, 2021 | Service and Volunteerism, Universal Principles and Values
The following are a compilation of excerpts from speeches from 2008 and 2012: I believe that America’s true strength lies in its moral authority as a nation rooted in spiritual principles and values, which has championed human rights and freedoms at home and abroad....
by Editor | May 6, 2020 | Global Peace Women, Service and Volunteerism
As the world faces the COVID19 pandemic, clearly it has called every one, women and men, people of all faiths, nations, and ages, to come together to innovate new solutions. Recently, the women of Global Peace Women in the Republic of Korea demonstrated the power of...
by Editor | Mar 27, 2020 | Service and Volunteerism
As the world faces an unprecedented challenge together, we can learn from small acts of service taking place around the world. We live in strange and uncertain times, but there are many ways to continue to care for one another, spreading our human compassion to uplift...
by Editor | May 10, 2019 | Global Peace Foundation, Korean Dream, Service and Volunteerism
“Great social transformation requires the active engagement of a broad public united in pursuit of a common cause. That cause should be unification. Koreans from the North, South as well as the diaspora must engage with one another on many different levels....
by Editor | Nov 27, 2018 | Global Peace Foundation, Korean Dream, Service and Volunteerism, Service for Peace
At the end of the 20th century in Korea, volunteering was not considered desirable. At the time, the country was just coming out of the Asian financial crisis and, before that, the people were busy. So busy, in fact, that the nation was able to collectively work its...