Light Your Match and Let it Light the World
The Global Peace Convention gathers a diverse community of peacebuilding practitioners, including youth and faith leaders and experts in business, international development, and education in a unique opportunity to explore innovative and action-driven solutions to...Accomplishing Peace through Service
“When we practice a lifestyle of service, truly living for others, we exemplify the highest ideals of human character.” –Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon The 2017 Global Peace Convention (GPC) in the Philippines will highlight the culture of service, promoting social...One Family under God Campaign Engages Religious Leaders to Mediate “Religious Crisis”
“In order to meet the threat of global religious conflict, a new type of interfaith movement must appear. Such interfaith partnership is vital in coalescing faith leaders to work together as the conscience of society.” –Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon A hotbed of religious...Outstanding Women Role Models in Peacebuilding and Strengthening Family Values in Paraguay
“Current research by numerous neuroscientists, psychologists, and sociologists support the conclusion that, in general, women have a greater capacity for empathy, compassion and the understanding of others’ hearts. These qualities motivate women to aid in...Muslims and Christians find Peace through One Family under God Campaign
“We can come together in agreement because we share common principles and values that can move the human family forward in building a world of peace. And that is the great contribution of this great work.” Global Peace Leadership Conference Abuja 2013, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon