by Editor | Oct 3, 2023 | International Forum on One Korea, Korean Dream, Speeches
Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon delivered the keynote address at the International Forum on One Korea held in Seoul, Korea, on October 2, 2023. The forum convened international and local experts, policymakers, journalists, and civil society leaders under the theme, “Free and Unified Korea: A Catalyst for Regional and Global Peace and Development.”
by Editor | Sep 22, 2023 | Asia, Global Peace Foundation, One Family Under God
Global Peace Foundation (GPF) has worked since 2009 to build models of peacebuilding around the world. This means connecting people across race, nationality, religion, and social divides to recognize shared values and invest in a future together. This is what it means to really embody the vision of One Family under God. A project by GPF India called the SMILE program demonstrates this peacebuilding model. By providing a platform for youth to break past traditional identities of religion and caste, the program helps them affirm their common humanity through education and engaging group activities.
by Editor | Sep 12, 2023 | Asia, Service and Volunteerism
For years, the Global Peace Foundation (GPF) has helped transform lives in Malaysia’s rural farming communities. GPF’s development and service model provides education and support to empower local people to become innovative leaders who become part of the solution for their communities, not victims of their circumstances. The following article from GPF tells the story of how volunteers and GPF staff have helped inspire villagers to improve their quality of life and provide much-needed resources for their communities.
by Editor | Sep 3, 2023 | Global Peace Foundation, One Family Under God
Global Peace Foundation Indonesia is striving to help diverse communities build understanding and peace, starting with bridging youth from all walks of life. The UGen seminar explored Indonesia’s founding principles (Pancasila) to facilitate a rich discussion on balancing faith, patriotism, and peaceful coexistence in communities across the nation.
by Editor | Aug 30, 2023 | Extended Family Model, Global Peace Women, One Family Under God
“Solidarity Hands” is helping make a difference in Paraguay. Solidarity Hands is a collaborative initiative that engages women from Global Peace Women and Global Peace Foundation in monthly volunteer service projects that provide support to vulnerable women, families, and communities in Paraguay.
by Editor | Aug 18, 2023 | Action for Korea United, In The Media, Korean Dream
Every year on August 15th, Koreans around the world celebrate Korea’s liberation from colonial rule. This commemorative day also serves as a reminder of the unfulfilled Korean Dream to “become a model nation that can benefit all humanity.” On August 15,...