Olympians from North and South March Together: A Step Towards Peace on the Korean Peninsula
It was in his New Year’s Day address that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared his intention to send a delegation to the 2018 Olympic games in PyeongChang this February, calling for the need to work together to ease military tension between the North and South....
‘Olympic option’: Winter Games could be a win for Korean unity
Over the past few weeks, news from the Korean peninsula took a sharp turn from the “nuclear option” to the “Olympic option.” There is reason to welcome the new developments, because the process of nationhood must come from the aspirations of the Korean people, and it must be Korean-led.

4 Ways Peace Advanced in 2017: Year in Review
Reflecting back on a tumultuous and unpredictable 2017, there were areas of development and growth that proved to be a “silver-lining” of opportunity amidst crises. With a vision and a growing multi-sectoral network of moral, innovative leaders, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston...
2017 Year in Review: Building a World of Peace through God-Centered Families
“The role of God-centered families is central to all positive human development since it brings back the divinity in that sacred institution and aligns it to the original purpose of creation. Without such families, humanity will not have the moral clarity and...