by Editor | Feb 11, 2018 | Korean Dream
Some 3,000 spectators crowded into the Seonhak International Ice Rink on Sunday afternoon to watch the first practice match between the united Korean women’s ice hockey team and Sweden. Many waved flags emblazoned with the light blue silhouette of the Korean peninsula...
by Editor | Feb 10, 2018 | Human Rights and Freedoms, Korean Dream
“Korean Unification would be the birth of an entirely new nation.” –Kenneth Bae This interview with Kenneth Bae was conducted by Kay Heo for the Korean Dream Times. Korean Dream Times collects stories and interviews of partners of Action for Korea United (AKU),...
by Editor | Feb 8, 2018 | Moral and Innovative Leadership, One Family Under God
“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” —Wilma Rudolph (USA gold medalist in track and field in 1960) As the PyeongChang Winter Olympics...
by Editor | Feb 1, 2018 | Korean Dream
When the Olympic torch left Greece on October 24, 2017 to journey to Korea, Greek cross country skier, Apostolos Angelis, took two items – the torch and an olive branch. Carrying on the tradition of the Olympic Flame and torch relay, the Olympic Flame touched down in...
by Editor | Jan 31, 2018 | Korean Dream, Speeches
“The following address was delivered by Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon at the 2017 International Forum on One Korea held in Seoul Dragon City Hotel – Seoul, South Korea on December 7, 2017. Distinguished partners of the Global Peace Foundation, honorable National...
by Editor | Jan 30, 2018 | Korean Dream, Speeches
The following speech was delivered by Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon at the Action for Korea United 5th Anniversary Assembly on December 7, 2017, at the Seoul Dragon City Hotel in Seoul, South Korea. I want to encourage everyone today for the groundbreaking, historic work that...