by Editor | Jan 16, 2019 | Korean Dream
The third One K Concert will be a part of the One Korea Global Campaign’s 100-year Commemoration of the Korea’s 1919 March 1 Movement in Seoul, South Korea. More than 20 One K Stars have committed to perform in the impact-making concert that looks back on the...
by Editor | Dec 30, 2018 | In The Media, Korean Dream
In December 2018, Newsweek published the following article from reporter Tom O’Connor on the future of U.S.-North Korea relations that quotes portions of Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon’s keynote address at the 2018 International Forum on One Korea in Washington D.C. At the...
by Editor | Dec 28, 2018 | Korean Dream, Moral and Innovative Leadership, One Family Under God, Peacebuilding, Vision in Action
Looking back on 2018, important advancements in peacebuilding have been made around the world. With the vision of One Family under God and a growing multi-sectoral network of moral, innovative leaders, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon worked to advance peace and development...
by Editor | Dec 26, 2018 | Extended Family Model, Global Peace Women
“The family is the first place where children learn love and respect. Children also learn the lessons of integrity, hard work and responsibility.” —Dr. Junsook Moon Peace Begins in the Home in 2018 In countries around the world, from Tanzania to Nepal, Korea, and...
by Editor | Dec 25, 2018 | Peacebuilding
Just as recently as 2017, lives were shattered, crops were lost and children were unable to attend school in Kaninkon, a community in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Yet, throughout 2018 this same community has begun to plan community programs and activities between those who...
by Editor | Dec 25, 2018 | Korean Dream
Korea was on the global centerstage in 2018. Starting with the 2018 Winter Olympics, the world watched as signs of reunification began to emerge out of what could have been a global nuclear stand-off between North Korea and the United States. Instead, there were many...