by Editor | Dec 11, 2021 | Interfaith, Universal Principles and Values
Freedom of religion is an absolute necessity in ensuring true liberty. The world’s religions have a vital role to play in bringing about this transformation of consciousness.- Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, Global Peace Convention 2021 In our modern world, we have become...
by Editor | Nov 24, 2021 | Universal Principles and Values
…beyond these many differences, we are one family who shares the same origin in the Creator God. The vision of One Family under God can unite us since it shows the pathway to true global unity in diversity. – Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon (Global Peace Convention,...
by Editor | Nov 17, 2021 | Korean Dream
Koreans in the North, South, and in the diaspora trace their origins back millennia to the mythological story of Tangun, the ancestor of the Korean people. And running like a thread throughout our 5,000-year history is the ideal of Hongik Ingan, which roughly...
by Editor | Oct 9, 2021 | Korean Dream
South Korean Choi Gye-Wol (L) kisses the hand of her grandson Kim Chol-Bong as her son Kim Young-Nam watches before she returns to her South Korean home after the Separated Family Reunion Meeting on June 30, 2006, at Diamond Mountain in North Korea. (Lee Hun-Koo/Getty...
by Editor | Aug 31, 2021 | International Forum on One Korea, Korean Dream, Speeches
2021 International Forum on One Korea PlenaryKeynote AddressDr. Hyun Jin Preston MoonAugust 12, 2021 Welcome and Introduction I would first like to thank everyone who has helped to make this virtual convention a success. The many and varied discussions that have taken...
by Main | Jun 27, 2021 | Americas, Human Rights and Freedoms
At its founding, the United States was dubbed a “great experiment.” Where most nations were formed out of hundreds or thousands of years of common history, language, culture, etc., the United States showed that it was possible for people from different backgrounds to...