by Editor | Feb 13, 2023 | Action for Korea United, Korean Dream, Speeches
At the Action for Korea United Festival on August 15, 2022, twenty thousand Korean citizens pledged to build a grassroots base that would gather 10 million people by 2025 to mark the 80th anniversary of Liberation Day.
Chungcheon region was the third in a series of regional events held throughout Korea to start this work. Thousands gathered in on February 11, 2023 to expand the grassroots, citizen-led movement in the region.
by Editor | Feb 10, 2023 | Action for Korea United, Korean Dream, Speeches
At the Action for Korea United Festival on August 15, 2022, twenty thousand Korean citizens pledged to build a grassroots base that would gather 10 million people by 2025 to mark the 80th anniversary of Liberation Day. Honam was the second in a series of regional...
by Editor | Feb 7, 2023 | Action for Korea United, Korean Dream, Speeches
Busan region was the first event series of regional events held throughout Korea to start this work. Thousands gathered in on February 2, 2023 to expand the grassroots, citizen-led movement in the Busan region.
by Editor | Jun 23, 2022 | Moral and Innovative Leadership
One of the most fascinating stories in modern history is the story of Genghis Khan. Previously, much of what people knew about Genghis Khan came from depictions written by his enemies. Luckily, today we have more information about what gave rise to his massive empire...
by Editor | Jun 10, 2022 | Peacebuilding, Service and Volunteerism
To live together in peace and prosperity we must understand that beyond these many differences, we are one family who share the same origin in the Creator God. The vision of One Family under God can unite us since it shows the pathway to true global unity in...
by Editor | May 24, 2022 | One Family Under God, Peacebuilding, Universal Principles and Values
We have taken the approach that there is a common vision that motivates and animates all of humanity. That vision is ‘One Family under God.’ […] A common thread exists in all of the faith traditions that articulates and identifies universal principles and values as...