by Main | May 27, 2015 | One Family Under God
One of the most important reasons why Global Peace Foundation engages such a wide variety of people from multiple sectors is because we know that long-term, sustained peace and prosperity requires synergistic partnerships working toward a common vision. Rather than...
by Main | May 20, 2015 | One Family Under God, Service and Volunteerism
The idea of service has steadily gained ground around the world. While the specific nature, purpose and efficacy of the various non-governmental organizations differ, we might infer that the rise of these civil service organizations represents the importance people...
by Main | Apr 8, 2015 | Korean Dream, One Family Under God
A university professor invited a former colleague to tea. They hadn’t seen each other for years, so the latter was surprised with the call. As they settled down in the warm sunshine streaming into the tea house and enjoyed the warm aroma that wafted up from...
by Main | Mar 25, 2015 | Korean Dream, One Family Under God
Imagine a society where everyone was related to each other as one big family. What would that look like? There are many good cultural examples around the globe that hint at what that might be like. Korea is one place where this notion of human interconnectedness can...
by Main | Apr 28, 2014 | 2013, Africa, Moral and Innovative Leadership, One Family Under God
Moral leadership is more precious for the future of a nation than gold, diamonds or oil under the soil. It is guided by a common vision that reflects the most fundamental human aspirations, conforms to the universal spiritual principles that govern human life, and is...
by Main | Oct 21, 2013 | 2013, Global Peace Convention, One Family Under God
When autumn arrives in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, the deciduous trees give up their green for yellow, orange, brown, and red. It is a celebration of the reality and splendor of the world’s diversity. But, all too often, humanity’s differences are...