by Main | Apr 8, 2015 | Korean Dream, One Family Under God
A university professor invited a former colleague to tea. They hadn’t seen each other for years, so the latter was surprised with the call. As they settled down in the warm sunshine streaming into the tea house and enjoyed the warm aroma that wafted up from...
by Main | Mar 28, 2015 | Interfaith, Korean Dream, Moral and Innovative Leadership
Many have criticized religion as the reason for violence and writers from Richard Dawkins to Sam Harris cautions us on the dangers of religion. And yet one could point to pivotal moments in history where religion has been the only thing that could have moved a...
by Main | Mar 25, 2015 | Korean Dream, One Family Under God
Imagine a society where everyone was related to each other as one big family. What would that look like? There are many good cultural examples around the globe that hint at what that might be like. Korea is one place where this notion of human interconnectedness can...
by Main | Mar 25, 2015 | Korean Dream, Local Conferences
A recent forum hosted by the Center for International and Strategic Studies and the Global Peace Foundation highlighted South Korea’s growing role in global humanitarian development. In less than 50 years, South Korea has transitioned from a aid-receiving nation...
by Main | Mar 16, 2015 | Korean Dream, Service and Volunteerism
Koreans in the diaspora suffer from divided families the same as Koreans on the peninsula. We are affected by and engaged in the fate of a divided homeland and often can bring a broader perspective to meeting the challenge of unification. I believe that the diaspora...
by Main | Mar 4, 2015 | 2014, Korean Dream
The prospect of Korean Reunification and the building of a vision of a unified Korea points to the need for an exploration of what it actually means to be Korean. The experience of Koreans in Japan makes for a particularly interesting study of this. Having lived apart...