by Main | Oct 4, 2016 | In The Media, Korean Dream, National Transformation
The Korean dream: A vision for peace in Asia’s future This opinion piece by Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon was published on Sept. 3rd, 2016 in the Sunday Guardian. See the original at:
by Main | Jun 1, 2016 | Korean Dream, Video
“하나의 꿈” and a New Genre of Korean Unification Songs The New Era Unification Song Campaign launched in 2015, was led by an unprecedented coalition of government, civil society and private sector partnership to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Korean independence and...
by Main | May 19, 2016 | Asia, Korean Dream
A Common Vision for a Unified Korea The following remarks were delivered at the Civil Society forum on Korean Reunification on October 8th in Seoul, Korea by Mr. Michael Marshall, editor of Dr. Hyun Jin Moon’s book, Korean Dream: A Vision for Unified Korea. Thank you...
by Main | Feb 29, 2016 | Korean Dream, Universal Principles and Values
Tribalism describes the way human societies have operated for nearly the whole of human history. As an organizing principle based on the notion of shared kinship ties, tribalism makes distinctions between those of the tribe and those who are not. The danger of this...
by Main | Dec 12, 2015 | Korean Dream
The Korean Dream Dr. Hyun Jin Moon speaks of in his book dates back to the original founding of the nation and yet, it is also timeless in the sense that it reflects humanity’s greatest dream of peace. The ideal of One Family Under God reverberates throughout the...
by Main | Dec 2, 2015 | 2015, In The Media, Korean Dream
Dr. Moon states “Reunification requires People Power more than Government” to JoongAng Sunday Hyun Jin Moon, founder and Chairman of the Global Peace Foundation called for greater civil society engagement to advance Korean Unification at an interview with...