by Editor | Apr 27, 2018 | In The Media, Korean Dream
One Dream One Korea Song Evokes Shared Dream for Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula The Inter-Korea Summit ended almost as quick as it began. But what is unquestionable is its landmark significance filled with possibilities and hope. One such moment was a...
by Editor | Apr 26, 2018 | Korean Dream
The Case for Korea: Why the World Should Care Considering all that is going on in our world today, why should anyone care about what happens on the Korean Peninsula? Why are people like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UN General Secretary General António Guterres,...
by Editor | Apr 19, 2018 | Korean Dream
In his book, Korean Dream: A Vision for United Korea, Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon observes that many of the early Korean independence leaders were motivated not merely by the prospects of self-governance, but by a deep calling rooted in the historic and cultural identity of...
by Edit | Mar 30, 2018 | In The Media, Korean Dream
Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon’s book, Korean Dream: A Vision for a Unified Korea, has made the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Director’s 2018 Professional Reading List, released early in March. In the intro to his reading list, Lt. General Robert P. Ashley Jr. writes,...
by Editor | Mar 29, 2018 | Korean Dream, National Transformation
The landscape has dramatically changed in Korea over the last decade. The third Inter-Korea summit is set for April– the last one held in 2007. Domestic and international interest in the two Koreas is at an all-time high. In 2010, when Dr. Hyun Jin Moon began working...
by Editor | Mar 12, 2018 | Interfaith Leadership, Korean Dream, Peacebuilding, Universal Principles and Values
“[H]istory has arrived at a point of balance where the Korean people can act decisively to determine the future direction of their nation. We can take our fate out of the hands of others and shape our own destiny. Through the creation of a new and unified Korean...